Online Dating And Teens—Is It Okay?

online dating in teen

Teens undergo strong hormone spikes that magnify their feelings and instigates a strong desire to love and find romance. And it’s natural that they resort to dating websites and social media to find a date.

Today we will be covering online dating in our society and how it plays a role in shaping our teens. Digital friendships is the easiest way to find a date in this time and age. Adults use it as filter tool to find the right person for a date but teens use it for forging and navigating digital friendships.

How Prevalent Is Online Dating Amongst Teens And Kids?

Online dating is no crime. Instead it’s a legitimate way to find new people for a date. Dating websites and apps are typically more popular amongst adults but a recent research has revealed a growing trend amongst younger people registering for dating websites. According to the research around 10 percent of kids (18-24 years old) are resorting to online dating.

Tinder, a dating website that’s famous amongst adults admits having 7 percent younger users between the ages 13 and 17.

Should We Allow Our Teens To Date Through Dating Websites?

Most of our teens’ social life revolves around online stuff and it’s not strange that they don’t bat an eyelash at the idea of online dating. While some are looking for actual dates, others are more interested in just testing boundaries, in an attempt to feel mature, usually by dating someone that’s out of their normal peer group.

Whether parents like it or not, teens are quite comfortable with exploring new people online, just like adults. Expecting our kids to stay away or to avoid it completely is very unrealistic.

For parents, they need to opt for a proactive stance by keeping stringent online dating rules and by talking to teens about online dating and its repercussions. These online websites and dating apps are a revelation for pedophiles and online harassers. Parents need to set rules online just like they would do it for the regular dating.

Setting the Dating Rules

First thing parents need to analyze is their kids’ maturity and responsibility into consideration before making any rules. Some kids are more inclined towards dating while other may find it hardly interesting at all until a certain age. We strive to restrict and oversee our kids real-world dating but we fail do the same for their digital world.

Parental control are highly effective for monitoring kids’ online activities. It’s a must-have for all the parents!

Stay tuned with TrackMyFone Blog for more news and tips on online safety.

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