Taking care of your teen’s development in a pornographic digital age Part 2

In the part 1, we talked about how unsolicited internet access is one of the reasons why our kids are getting early exposure to pornographic content. We also talked about the impact of social media and dating apps aggrandisement. Today, we need to talk a little more about the hazards of the internet and how they can brutally sever your child’s development.

Sexual intimidation:  A new Cyberbullying trend

Apart from predating, cyberbullying is another perverse consequence of the internet. Or as a reverse causality, pornographic content instigates aggression. A research shows that around 80 percent of all the pornographic content depicts utter sexual violence and aggression. So when you kids get high doses of pornography, it’s inevitable that they would turn out to be sexual bullies around their school and social media platforms.


There are 5th graders who are sharing their nude photos these days, and then there are kids who are threatening and intimidating their fellows. Generation Z is different from the other ones. They are appalling, and ferocious. It was used to be like “Give me your lunch, or I will beat the shit out of you!”. But now,  it’s is like this: “If you aren’t sharing your private pics with me, I am going to do something that you won’t like”.


Peer pressure is another reason behind kids falling to the requests of others. Sometimes, it’s blackmailing. “Send me your photos, or will tell everyone about that night”. Kids are so naïve that they can be compelled to do anything, just through a slight intimidation. “Show me your private parts or I will tell everyone you wet your pants that day”.


Sexual intimidation can move from personal texting channels to social media, when a child mistakenly posts an inappropriate photo and it’s immediately used for extorting, bullying, harassing or shaming that kid.


What’s more obscure is the fact that kids can face criminal charges for sharing their sexual photos. Criminal Justice System isn’t keeping up with the volatile online world and that’s why criminalising a child could victimise them twice.


The digital age parenting

It’s difficult for parents to understand the risks and threats of technology who didn’t grow up with the smartphones and tablets. But rather than smothering your child for their mistakes, you can stay more vigilant and protect your kids from online mishaps using a parental control app.


Kids shouldn’t be left on their own in their digital space, just like they aren’t allowed to move around the streets without supervision. Unsolicited internet access to smartphones, tablets and computers should be cut off, unless a child is developmentally able to make good decisions.


An app like Trackmyfone can allow your kids to confidently tread through their online world. You can choose various restrictive features of this app that can minimise the chances of mistakes by your child. Also, if a child does something stupid on social media, parents can quickly come to rescue. But a smartphone monitoring app isn’t a foolproof plan against online risks.


You always needs to talk to your child about the dangers of the internet. An open two-way conversation is necessary or they won’t even consider listening to you. Tell your kids that it’s not them but the internet that you don’t trust.


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