5 Ways Technology Is Ruining Teen Health

teen health TMF

Those were the good times when our children were toddlers and babies. If we reflect back, things were pretty different. We used to pay a lot of attention to our kids’ development and wellbeing. But now, we live with teenagers, who think they can look after themselves but always end up in some sort of trouble. It’s the parent to the rescue, always!

Just because our kids resemble grownups, it doesn’t mean we should stop worrying about their health. How children take care of themselves today will determine what their lives will be like tomorrow. Take a look at these 5 scary facts related to technology and how it is affecting our teens:

1.      Technology Is Making Our Kids Anxiety Stricken

Kids use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter etc. to gauge their significance amongst teens. They also get to witness their peers having fun and how everyone else’s life seem so perfect and great. Kids feel pressure when they start to compare their lives with others which can breed low self-esteem and anxiety amongst kids.

2.      Eating Disorders in Teens Are Related To Social Media

Kids with body issues can turn more insecure with social media uptake. They can also develop an eating disorder. All those fitness magazines and lifestyle pages are good to motivate those who work out but for others, it’s a complete disappointment and a disaster, especially amongst the kids.

3.      Pedophiles Target Vulnerable Teens

Over a half a million pedophiles surf internet every day and they instinctively target vulnerable kids. Predators notice cues from the sentimental posts and hashtags and target teens who are doing extremely bad with their emotional sense.

4.      Screen Glow Affects Circadian Rhythms

Scientists have discovered how light from lights from our computers, smartphones, electric lights etc. are sending impulses to our brain that it’s still daytime, even when its night. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by our body giving us a signal that it’s time for bed. Screen glow adversely affects Melatonin balance in our body. However, it’s not that difficult to readjust your body hormones level. All it requires is a one week camp.

5.      Wireless Devices’ Radiation Is Carcinogenic

Researchers have found out that a 30 min daily exposure to cell phone can double the chances of cancer. And if the person starts to use their cell phone from adolescence, chances are three to four times higher.

Parents always need to be on toes and look for any sign of anomalous behavior from their teens because these warning signs, if picked up at the right time can save the child a lot of trouble.

Stay tuned with TMF blog for more tips and proactive ways to promote teen health.

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