Author Archive | Emma Preston

Keeping your 11-year-olds digitally safe

Some parents may overlook their kids’ growing age number, but there are a lot of changes that kids are going through everyday. Eleven is a number that is usually linked with the onset of adolescence in many kids, and this means, a lot of changes for the parents to deal with. As your kids turn […]

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If you want your child to be smart, take away the tablet and give them a guitar

Is your child genetically predisposed with extraordinary learning skills or does he need an ideal environment to flourish his cognitive abilities? Is it the genetics or the environment that determines the intelligence level of your child? Well, both, actually. And we aren’t saying that out of thin air. Scientists have been rigorously working on determining […]

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How parents can be digital role models for their kids?

Technology is changing so abruptly these days that it’s highly difficult for parents to stay up-to-date with the latest technological trends. And therefore, parents are oblivious about which rules would work fine and which ones won’t. A child’s digital education starts even before they get their first electronic device, because many parents allow their young […]

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Employee Management: Emerging Trends for 2016-2017

It’s the mid of 2016 and it finally seems like there is a shift in employee management strategies. Things have changed since the end of 2015. We have seen unbelievable technological breakthroughs since 2014 and business practices are seeing new rising trend. Managers are using monitoring apps to manage employees who are handling crowdsourced projects […]

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